$1 Million EPA Brownfields Grant to Spur North Camden Housing Redevelopment
The federal funds will help remediate a former manufacturing site to make way for affordable, single-family homes at North Front and Elm Streets.
August 29, 2024The federal funds will help remediate a former manufacturing site to make way for affordable, single-family homes at North Front and Elm Streets.
August 29, 2024The 1.4-acre S. Yaffa & Sons site is known as one of the worst cases of illegal dumping in the city. Thanks to state and federal environmental remediation funds, it’s on its way to productive reuse.
June 18, 2024Camden City has seen a spike in violent crime and youth truancy since the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. County officials hope to combat both problems with vocational and social services.
June 3, 2024